Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum (MC) is a skin infection caused by a virus, called poxvirus, usually affecting children but can infect adults as well. This virus is contagious and can be easily passed on by skin contact or from contaminated towels, flannels etc. The disease is sexually transmitted and genital lesions are very common in the infected individuals.
Onset of the lesions is around 7 weeks after infection. Small white or pink umbilicated papules (mollusca) develop anywhere on the skin. Each lump looks like a small swelling on the skin. It is round, firm and is about 1 to 5 mm across. A tiny dimple often develops on the top of each molluscum, which, if squeezed, produces a white cheesy fluid.
Children and adults affected by the virus should avoid any physical contact in swimming pools or during sports training, sharing baths or towels until the infection is clear.
The word "pox" may bring to mind terrifying conditions like smallpox, but molluscum poxvirus is more like the virus that causes warts. You do not become seriously ill, however the small lumps (mollusca) on the skin can become itchy and sore, and when the lumps spread on your face, this condition can significantly affect your appearance.
Molluscum contagiosum has been known to resolve spontaneously but it may take up to 2 years. People with a weak immune system may take up to 4 years to "free" themselves from these unsightly bumps. When the molluscum bumps eventually go, the skin often heals without any scarring.
If you are affected by MC, you should discuss possible treatment options with your GP, especially if your papules are itchy or sore. There are some antiviral compounds, like Conzerol, for example, that may be discussed with your doctor.
Molluscum Contagiosum can be treated with advanced electrolysis. This treatment is not funded by the NHS, as it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Great caution should be excercised not to damage the surounding tissues when treating the infected papules to ensure there is no future scarring.